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viernes, enero 17, 2025

Avengers EndGame review ★★★★★

Avengers EndGame review ★★★★★

Avengers: EndGame review 

It is Marvel’s perfect storm.

It is the movie that we all wanted and more, much more. A journey that has taken us to the length and breadth of 11 years and that has its first big jump here in Endgame, the end of the game, no more, no less. A risky bet, made throughout the length and breadth of two dozen films that culminates with a high note, at very high one. And one doubt, if Marvel will be able to live up to what Endgame offers us, a powerful, epic film, full of adventures, drama and narrative intelligence at all levels. No, as the screenwriters said at one point, it’s not the movie we expected to see. But not because of what we thought, but because it is not a movie full of action, but an adventure film during most of its three hours of footage, and it leaves the action for a final hour that becomes something we have rarely seen in a movie theater before …

To speak of the plot of the film is to harm the audience, because the less they know, the better. You have to enter the movie theater thinking that it is best to be surprised, and know almost nothing of the story that awaits us. In that sense, the trailers have been very tricky, to tell the fair by raising the level of hype of viewers through the clouds, at the same time. Avengers: Endgame is a film that has managed to hide and not show too much, and even during the film itself one realizes that there are scenes purposely shot to be included in a trailer and thus not reveal the most important details of the plot … remember it when you see the scene of the white suits that has appeared in the trailers.

Avengers EndGame review ★★★★★

The Russo brothers have been able to take all the previous films and honor them, and also take moments from the comic books and include them in the story (for fans enjoyment). Not only that, the cameos, the memories, the closures of dramatic arcs … everything is so that the film is at the same time just that, a film (a pretty great one) and an event that celebrates 11 years of cinema and many more of comics. You will shout, applaud, laugh and jump with moments and tributes, not only to Marvel, but also to the cinema that has most impressed its creators. Very, very recognizable elements that here become a new part for the film. That is why it is also so important that the story takes two hours to cook, with several dramatic focuses, giving weight to the characters and their stories, and taking us by the hand to an end, a final apotheosis hour. With moments of epic like I had never lived in a movie theater in ages. Giant epic and intimate epic…

The actors have fun like children with the script, full of surprises, of the movie. Endgame gives everyone the chance to shine with its various dramatic arcs, even recovering the «disappeared» in Infinity War. I mean Ant Man and Hawkeye, who did not appear in that one and here they shine, a lot. In fact, Ronin’s story is a movie within the film itself. It’s wonderful to see how they take care of those characters without losing sight of the Avengers heavyweights, and how they let characters like Nebula shine too. Able to thrill with tiny details, with measured dialogues, with brief flashes that raise what we see above anything expected and unexpected. And it’s not about Marvel or DC, far from it. It is a superhero movie, it does not hide it, it is not something else (Jewels like Logan or The Dark Knight are other things, disguised as superhero movies) embraces it and within its genre it is brilliant. The best in the Marvel universe. The most powerful. The most EPIC. Many will cry. Some will reject it. They Can. But denying the quality of Endgame is impossible. It is magnificent. And you have to see it in a movie theater. The only question  that remains is… What now?

Jesús Usero



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Avengers EndGame review ★★★★★

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Jesús Usero
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