Frankenweenie, great tribute to horror movies. Tim Burton rejuvenated and redeemed from poverty of his later works.
The new version of Frankenweenie is better than The Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride and I liked it better than the last work of Tim Burton as director in real image, Dark shadows. I’ve never been a given and unconditional admirers of the director, although I admit that in his filmography has several great films among which Edward Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Sleepy Hollow and Mars Attacks. However, in its new version of Frankenweenie brings together the best features of the director’s talent for mixing humor and horror, almost childlike naivete and extreme sarcastic maturity, which are the elements I am most interested in his filmography.
Return to appear in this production some of the spirit of freshness and revolution against more conventional film traditions that informed their early films, The Pee Wee’s Big Adventure and Beetlejuice, breaking with what has become predictable in recent films times. The reunion with his past as a creator, with the dog returns from the grave in imitation of Frankenstein is a perfect balm for Burton can overcome the devastating consequences of his conversion in a kind of creative institution, a cult director of expected and even require a series of platitudes. Frankenweenie has allowed even laugh at his own tics, such platitudes of his films, with the same elegance mixed with a hint thug who are the best of his best films. The satire of the horror genre, characters and titles cult of fear in film, plans continuously on this beautiful animation production in black and white, which Burton pulls a great game bridging visual aesthetic with classic films Universal of the thirties and forties as directed by Tod Browning and James Whale, versions of Dracula or Frankenstein starring Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi. Burton even allowed to go beyond the tribute to those visions of terror and subjected to the discipline of the black and white version of Dracula in color produced by the British production company Hammer Films and starring Christopher Lee, a magic moment when we shows parents of the protagonist watching this movie on your TV. It is a poetic nod to the fans, a tribute as slick as that makes a perfect picture of Vincent Price in the science teacher that stimulates the imagination and curiosity of his young students with experiments, while openly criticizing parents for having a closed mind. Enter director pitch and one of the recurring themes of his films, who is none other than the celebration of childhood opposed to the loss of imagination and innocence that occurs among adults. The brief but forceful address parents throwing science teacher is thus one of the best jokes of the film.
But also winks festival which also echoes occur reserved Bride of Frankenstein, Godzilla and Gamera or Gremlins, the director uses as a great final fireworks to complete his fable, complementing a start like something out of Toy Story, Frankenweenie is the best of its fluid narrative rhythm, without bumps or forced trepidations, clothed with simplicity and truth that always accompanies the great classics. Particularly striking is the ability to isolate environmental Burton and characteristics of contemporary cinema to find your own way and personality of its history it developed to a group of characters who deserve to be among his most accomplished. Children protagonists of this story are a happy meeting between the great characters of classic horror and now everyday we can find in any school today. In his soul, both visual and narrative, and in these characters somewhere between the everyday and the fantastic, Frankenweenie has a lot of Edward Scissorhands.
Frankenweenie film is also full of small details that are great moments of cinema, as the eschatological cat prophecies, the echo of the endearing young Igor or the manner in which the protagonist’s father convinces his son to go to the baseball game and not become a freak of science.
Fun, crazy, exciting, uninhibited. So often the best films of Tim Burton when released from the label of cult director that both he weighs his film sometimes. In Frankenweenie Burton rejuvenates as creator, returns to his roots and complete one of his best works.
Miguel Juan Payán