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martes, diciembre 10, 2024

Zack Snyder’s Justice League ★★★★★

Zack Snyder’s Justice League ★★★★★

Review of the movie Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Darker, more sober, more mature and better, much better, than the previous version.

      The final outcome of the effort carried out by Zack Snyder to bring his version of Justice League to light is a completely different vision of the superhero films, with an opera, or even Greek tragedy, touch that is perfect for these characters and that turn the story into something different. The film does not change so much the story that we have already seen, but the way it unfolds before our eyes. It is not so much that Joss Whedon changed the original film story, he used much more material than I thought, but the tone, the scope of it is completely different in both cases.

      I’m not going to deny that I’ve always enjoyed Justice League for what it was and still is, an unapologetic entertainment. It is a movie to enjoy any day, with spectacular moments, frivolous and with a future along the road that never happened. That may change with this definitive version of the film that, at first, completely erases, forgets and forbids what Joss Whedon shot and added to the film, making it more serious, with a greater scope, more sober and much more mature. The characters have much more to tell and we can get to know them thoroughly. There is a much more elaborate dramatic arc development, not only in characters that were somewhat more secondary, but also in the stars of the show. And that change especially works with Ezra Miller and Ray Fisher.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League ★★★★★

      Flash and Cyborg are the two characters that grow the most in this new version, who have more to offer and who even really change compared to what was seen previously. Eliminating a couple of jokes and exposing certain scenes does wonders for Flash, who stops being just a jester to be the funny character of the group but with a very interesting background. Something similar happens with Cyborg, who is still a tortured and split character by his own nature, but who is much better defined and better structured, especially in his relationship with his father. But it also happens with Batman, with Superman, Wonder Woman or Aquaman. They all have much more to offer in this new version.

      The film changes visually because it changes the color and the photography. Changes the tone. The development of the story is similar, but how it is told is not at all. It has really fascinating moments and the change in the aspect ratio works, despite the doubts it raised. The film is not without humor. It’s funny, but it doesn’t try so hard to be comical. Look more for that sinister aspect. And it is brutal and savage in his action sequences, earning itself the R-Rated category. It is a film made for the director’s fans and that possibly his detractors will mistakenly hate. You can disagree with some things, but it is not a fiasco, nor is it a mistake. It is a deep, complex film and, above all, different from what has been seen in the genre before.

      The outcome is fascinating and different. It is powerful and it is necessary because, as much as I love Marvel Studios superhero films, there has to be something different, something that changes the rules and knows how to get away from the main road. And this film does it with ease and with the necessary arguments to show that new path. It can be the end or a new beginning, although I would prefer that everything would have a future. But, right now, who knows?

Jesús Usero

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Zack Snyder’s Justice League ★★★★★


Revista ACCION

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Jesús Usero
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