AccionCine tu revista de cine y series
5.3 C
martes, febrero 11, 2025

Brightburn ★★★★

Brightburn ★★★★

Crítica de la película El Hijo

A magnificent perversion of the Superman myth.

Also James Gunn, producer of the film, has a lot of experience with the superhero genre. Not only has directed the first two installments of Guardians of the Galaxy, also prepares the third and the sequel to Suicide Squad, without forgetting Super, a movie that mocks on vigilantes with mask from 2010 that made us laugh a lot. This film is more serious, but Gunn has been very close to the project all the way, which gives the film that black humor and irreverent tone that his first films had, the least unknown but the wildest. And also with all the knowledge treasured by the director, here producer, from his time doing superhero movies, which means that the film is not merely a joke.

Imagine the story of Superman, which could be his evil version from the comic books for example, but with a slight, or maybe huge, change. The child who falls from the sky in a ship, adopted by a family of farmers in Kansas and that soon discovers that he has incalculable powers (the same as Superman) is not our savior, but has come to end all those who oppose him, maybe in his way to become a tyrant who will dominate us all. That is what the film proposes and knows how to overcome the initial story anecdote to create an universe of rich and interesting characters, led by that inexhaustible mother who is Elizabeth Banks, but without forgetting her resigned husband, David Denman, or Gregory Alan Williams as the sheriff …

Brightburn ★★★★

But the king of the show is undoubtedly Jackson A. Dunn, the young man who gives birth to Brandon (even in this name they have a sense of humor) the child who came from the stars. In his eyes you see fear, desolation and even not knowing who he really is, and step by step, as the film progresses, all that disappears to give way to something else, something much more terrifying, anger, rage… a cold calm, almost inhuman … When he looks without expressing anything, it causes panic, in an effect that reminded me of the children of John Carpenter’s TheVilklage of the Damned…

There is a moment in the movie where it does not know if it wants to be a horror film, or science fiction/ comics books film. That momentary dismissal is the only thing that we can dislike  from a film that tells a lot with very little. It does not need more. Pervert the story of the great American dream, where Superman is what many fear he really is, and where we also see the damage it can cause at all levels. The costume design of this Superman is wonderful, and is also integrated into who Brandon really is, and all references to DC comics (it’s incredible that they have not had to pay rights, seriously) are magnificent, as is the final or the visual imagery of its director, David Yarovesky. A highly recommended film for fans of horror, comics or science fiction films. Extremely bloody, terrifying at times, and very brave. Pure entertainment.

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Brightburn ★★★★

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