AccionCine tu revista de cine y series
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sábado, julio 27, 2024

Dune ★★★★★ review

Dune ★★★★★ review

Dune review

One of the best movies of the year.

         Denis Villeneuve continues in his ascending career within the science fiction genre and after two gems like Blade Runner 2049 and The Arrival, now he changes the pace and style in his third genre film to make an epic adventure story with traces of political drama and many details that will bring us memories of the best works of the genre, even if it is a film that is actually incomplete because it is only the first part of a much bigger story that I hope we will see made soon. With this work, the Canadian director approaches classic adventure films such as Lawrence of Arabia, but adding not only science fiction but also the know-how of his own habilities behind the cameras. A truly almost flawless work and a stunning film.

        No, I haven’t read the Frank Herbert book the movie is based on. And many people have not, but you can come to enjoy this story without fear. Villeneuve has not been afraid to tell the story of the planet Arrakis and the power struggles between the Harkonnen and the Atreides. He has not made the story easier for viewers, he has allowed them to soak up its complexity and discover this world little by little, many times together with the protagonist, Paul Atreides. On that trip we will marvel, terrorize and fight alongside him to get to know Arrakis, its people, its peculiarities and the war that is looming over that land.

Dune ★★★★★ review


         In addition to a magnificent script that knows how to move between genres, that knows how to create depth for the characters by noticing the small details, the director and screenwriter has a magnificent cast led by the young Timothee Chalamet. He may be older than the protagonist of the novel, but he seems the right age. The names that accompany him are sensational and each one more important than the other. Óscar Isaac, Rebecca Ferguson, JAson Momoa, David Bautista, Josh Brolin, Zendaya, Javier Bardem, Charlotte Rampling or Stellan Skarsgard are responsible for giving life to the characters of this gigantic story and each and every one of them is a casting success . That always helps, but it does it because there is a script that supports the characters and the actors.

         Visually Villeneuve takes another step in his career, changing the way he understands the desert or the cities in Blade Runner 2049 for a more arid, less colorful, more sinister style many times. He also takes on the biggest action scenes of his career and he does it brilliantly. The use of special effects along with CGI, the carefully planned makeup, the wonderful light… everything rounds off an almost perfect film that should only have smoothed out some rough edges in the script. A huge, portentous film that must be enjoyed in a movie theater, and that has some of the most powerful images in recent years. And, of course, he leaves us wanting more, waiting for that second part that promises to be even bigger and more magnificent than this first one. If we are lucky, of course…

                                            Jesús Usero

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Dune ★★★★★ review


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